Lately I have been up to my eyebrows in stuff. Work stuff. Unpleasant work stuff. Le sigh.
I guess everyone has to deal with unpleasant work stuff at some point, but I'll be brutally honest and say that I really don't dig it. I've always been lucky enough to at least love my job somewhat, and right now I'd say I'm in a bit of a slump.
So lately, what I do to get out of the slump is to seek out things that make me smile. It works! Here's my list of top 10 smile makers.
1. smell the flowers. They're everywhere this time of year! There's a sweet little flowershop in my neighbourhood that makes me smile everytime I walk by. I also bought some mini rose bushes that I plan to let live on our balcony. In particular I love these, and these right now. See? Smile!
2. do some running. I love to run, but after the winter it's always hard to get back into a regular routine of running. Lately I've been just shoving my butt out the door and doing it, and I find that with less time to think it really helps. Keys to a great run include great tunes, a newish and pretty route, and visions of parkour that dance in my head.
3. art. Even if you aren't creative (or don't feel you are) it feels good to get your hands dirty/glittery sometimes. I like to paint, so if the day is gloomy I pick up some canvas, a new paint colour, some wine and go to it. Sometimes my lady friends and I even have a painting/wine crafternoon! Its great. If you aren't arty but love to d.i.y, try this cool idea, or this one, or if you're still feeling handsy, this guy.
4. eat gelato. With the advent of spring comes the advent of awesome frozen delicacies. Gelato holds a special place in my candy coated heart. Plus, there are pretty colours.
5. plan fantasy cafes. When my manfriend and I go out for dinner/brunch/drinks, we sometimes plan out our fantasy cafe. It takes my mind off the stress of my real life job and lets us draw neat diagrams and pictures. Fun! This can work for any fantasy business you'd run in your alternalife. I don't want to give out too many details, but I'll just say that our fantasy cafe will be full of awesomeness and coffee. Also, if the cafe doesn't work out I can just set up a treehouse hotel. Everyone is doing it.
6. watch copious amounts of 90's tv. I have a special place in my heart for 90's tv shows. They deliver the right amount of camp every time. Also, there used to be a strong tendency toward fantasy in the 90's, and toward cheesy romance. I can get behind both of those things. Stay tuned for my upcoming post about the best of 90's tv. In the meantime, there is this.
7. bathe. If you've ever uttered the phrase "Wash away this bad day," you're with me here. I'm super guilty of indulging in anything from my local Lush, but right now I'm very into their face cleaners and bath bombs. You will emerge a new, cleaner person.
8. curl up with a good blog. Books are very nice (they smell pretty too), but whenever I'm bored or grouchy, I disappear into someone else's world for a bit. Momentary escape is rad. If you're in need of new (and fantastic) blogs, click here, here, over here or here. Yes, I'm aware that most of these feature cute kids. Added bonus.
9. search for new tunes. Nothing makes me feel new like new daily soundtrack. I'm very lucky to have friends who have excellent taste in music. Case it point: un, deux, trois.
10. find funny. The interweb is hilarious. Seriously. This guy makes me die laughing, and I played this video three times in a row when I first saw it. Also, Zach Galifianakis.
If all else fails find someone pleasantly squishy and press your body against theirs. Hugs are good.