Saturday, 26 January 2013


Tiny vase? Check.
Tiny flower arrangement? Check.

Just a little something to brighten your day. :)

<3 S

Friday, 25 January 2013

the indoor life.

The following is a rambling account of what the extreme cold does to me. Enjoy. I cannot promise coherence, but it might be entertaining. I shall read this again when it's +30 and I'm whining about the intense heat. 

This week it has been cold around these parts. 

Cold. Chilly style cold. -40 style cold.


It's really given me a newfound sense of appreciation for my warm, cozy apartment and heating in general. Also, flannel. Flannel is great. 

It's also given me a horrible case of cabin fever. Or indoor fever? What does one who has no cabin say, really? Anyhow, this has been a week of hustling from one enclosed space to another and it's left me a bit worn out. So, in the spirit of taking a cleansing breath and reviewing so I may learn, let me list the events of this week (solely for the sake of self gratification, clearly).

Running Outside + 40 Below = Sad Face

As one who derives great pleasure from exercise outdoors, my main issue was that I didn't get to run at all this week. Ugh. Ick! Lack of exercise makes me batty to say the least. Which is why on Tuesday I decided to work out with the lovely ladies at my school. It's been ages since I've done any sort of group fitness of any kind. It's actually kind of funny because I worked at a gym for a couple of years during university, and was an honest to goodness gym rat. These past few years I've been loathe to set foot in a gym; it's not really my bag anymore because I tend to enjoy the pace of working out solo... I'm much less likely to push myself beyond my limits.

Case in point, Tuesday. We did a pretty crazy workout DVD in the school gym, and you know, I really enjoyed myself. I even went home feeling kind of self satisfied. Then, Wednesday came. And I could not walk. Literally, I was walking like a cowboy. And I remained stuck in a western for the rest of the week. Even today, sitting, standing, walking... they all seem to be skills I'm re-learning. It's actually kind of funny, which I'm sure I'll realize when I stop having to take pain killers on the regular.

Today the cold snap finally ends and I can lace up my shoes again and prance around the glebe at my own pace. Hurrah!

We Fell Down. Like, A Lot.

Last Friday, Derek fell on the ice on his way home from a rad night out with the boys. I feel that this fall was partially my fault as I'm 98.97658% sure that he was rushing on my account (that number is based in actual math calculations - true fact). Anyhow, he was carrying all of the computers he owns (that's many computers), and went down on one knee so that he could save them from an icy fate. It was a valiant effort, but I'm sorry to say that his knee suffered for that brave act. 

Also, this Monday, the second I set foot out the front door to rush to my bus, I wiped out on our front steps. My bags went flying, my hand broke my fall, and it was 6:30 a.m. badness. I started walking to the bus stop and then realized my hand was bleeding something fierce. Half asleep me had this moment of wtf, which only those who take public transit can understand. Nothing is worse than missing your bus, especially if it means waiting in the cold for a half hour as a result of that missed bus. So, I did what any self respecting girl scout would do, and dug around in my purse until I found something absorbent to shove into my mitt as I set out for the hour long commute to school. Fun times.

I also fell twice at school. I think that ice is not so nice.

Indoor Recess Is No-one's Friend,

Teachers everywhere know that if kids have indoor recess, craziness is sure to follow. Now, take that craziness and multiply it by, oh I don't know, a WEEK of indoor recesses, and you have the level of stir crazy fun that existed this week.

I know the kids can't help it. They're little and have so much energy to spend even on a good day, but my sanity suffered this week for sure. At noon yesterday I noticed I'd developed a twitch in my right eye, which is pretty indicative of the crazy brain. Everyone has a limit, and I reached mine this week. My grade 4's were my saving grace this week. They are adorably hilarious and they get my jokes, which is either positive or worrisome... who's to say? 

This week my 4's and I took many a dance break via YouTube dance videos. And although I have no co-ordination, nor will I be going on the road to achieve my Flashdance style dreams (which don't actually exist, by the way, it's just for jokes), a good time was had by all. 

If you, too enjoy a hilarious, PG good time, this or this will knock your age nice inner self's socks right off. 

Creativity or Lack Thereof.

I started painting the canvas above at the end of the holiday break. That means that it's been sitting in our dining room on my easel for almost a month. Everyone goes through creative slumps once in awhile, and I know that happens to a lot of people in the dead of winter when sunshine and motivation are at a minimum. My plan is to get into a head space where I can just say fuck it and get going on making pretty things again.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
This weekend is rife with the busy! Derek is at a game jam, we have meets with the parents, there shall be bridesmaid dress hunting (fingers crossed!!), and a sweet sweet acoustic show featuring Kings Quest on Sunday aft. Oh, and cleaning. Heh.

Here's what I took silly photos of on my iPhone, enjoyed immensely, and/or bookmarked for funs this week:

This quilt. Too girly?

This book. Is. Hilarious. Thank you for entertaining me on the bus.

These shoes, I like. They are impractical for my lifestyle. But bows are nice.

Thank you Jenna for linking me to these adorable valentines. :)

This song. It will be on my running playlist today!

Am I seven years old for liking this? I might not care. 

In the spirit of the 4 in 1 acoustic set this Sunday, my fave for listening.

Loving this, bought this.

Have a lovely, cozy weekend! 

<3 S

Sunday, 13 January 2013

things of note this year and last.

This past year. 

It feels like it went by so quickly, but when I really think about it I recall so many huge personal milestones I know it was a long one. A challenging one. 

It gets easier every year to do the grown-up things. The things that the nine year old inside you whines "Do I haaaavee to?" about. This year, my inner nine year old has done her share of whining.

Not too long ago, I was talking about how much we struggle with a very wise and lovely friend. This year she has gone through more than anyone should have to deal with. She has every right to say a big fuck you to the world and hibernate for as long as she likes and no one would have the right to say a single thing to contest her. If I were her, I'd likely have melted by now. But she remains one of the most positive, beautiful and inspiring people I've ever met. When I asked her why she was able to be so positive despite all the crazy, she was pretty upfront about her attitude. She was choosing to be positive, and choosing to move past it all. 

It's funny to say that I hadn't thought of things that way before, but I truly hadn't. Sometimes I forget that our brains have so much power over us. 


That being said, despite the hard things that have dropped in front of me this past year, I'm jazzed that I had so many things that were great in there too. Sapfest over!

Below are a few shots to accompany some great memories and some goals for this new year. 


Lazy summer days. Lush greenery. We were so lucky to have 
such a delicious, beautiful summer break. Green is good!

Fall. My absolute favourite season. 
Our neighbourhood is so picturesque, and we're 
so lucky to live where we do. Mmm trees.

Too many boots. I officially purchased wayyyy too many boots.
I finally caved and bought my first (and definitely not last) pair
of Blundstones. So amazing - there's no going back! I also 
bought my first grown-up winter coat. And you know what?
Warmth is sexy. Life lesson! Almost 30 what?! 

Speaking of "almost 30"... ha. Sobering.

Learning more things that I love about my best friend.
Although I knew this one, the teacher in me was pretty
into this lovely piece of lost artwork. :)

One of my favourite things about this year was the evolution
of a mural wall created solely by residents of my neighbourhood.
Long story short, when a local arena/stadium began getting torn 
down by the city, they failed to warn the residents adjacent to the
site. A beautiful, peaceful, tree-lined street became a depressing 
construction zone almost overnight, and residents were upset to 
say the least. When the city put up ugly wooden walls to cordon 
off the development, the residents and local kids began painting
their own artwork on the walls, creating the Holmwood Mural Project.
It made my late fall runs so wonderful to see the inspiring, different
work that popped up daily, and really reflected my feeling that art
is for everyone. I have more pictures and shall post soon. They rock.

I had visits with my amazing, Toronto dwelling family members, and got to
love up their adorable children. Adorable. Did I say they were cute? They
totally are. Case in point, my little buddy above covering the majority of
his body in green stripes because he wanted to be a tiger. I mean... yeah.

Ailments. Now hold on a minute, because this is actually positive.
I got sick with more things that I care to list here this fall, but it
prompted me to get my shit together a bit. I finally contacted my
doctor and dealt with some pretty important health issues, making
me feel brave! Also, I've been trying to plan more healthy, balanced
meals for us at home, and to take better care of m'body, not just for
physical reasons, but mental. What did I say? Grown up, right?
This, this, this and this have made me feel better. And never, 
never underestimate the power of a cup of tea. Goes well with books.

(And seriously, if you can say "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." without a hint of
irony, that my friends is a moment of your life well spent.) 

Right? Right. 
Also, if you haven't seen this (oh my god, or this.), get on it.

This year celebrates a sweet return to fantasy. When I was younger, 
I watched fantasy t.v. pretty much all the time. However, I was shamed into 
stopping this habit, which is tragic. I've recently rekindled my love of the
fantasy, however, so hurray hazzah! Derek and I have been pretty into
watching Supernatural, and I've actually shown him how amazing 
Buffy is. Because hey. It is amazing. Can I just say "Hush?" What 
about "Band Candy?" Boy oh boy, things they are good.

Annnd we managed to celebrate 3 Christmases without getting burned 
out too badly or overeating too much! It was a victory for all involved. 
I find the whole fam jam thing to be a bit overwhelming, and I am very
proud of the way this year went down. My handsome fella and I also 
got to spend 2 glorious weeks together, and it was rad! Mmmm.

And Cricket. He's the cutest. 

Lucky, lucky, lucky.
Now be sure to pull your weight, 2013.

<3 S