Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Today my brain is fuzzy and the only way to describe how I feel is with the song that I keep replaying in my head. 

A demain.

<3 S

Saturday, 9 March 2013


Sometimes it feels like the winter months pass by with little to speak of that is of interest. I was totally feeling this way, and actually feeling a little sad-sap-sorry for myself (I know, how terrible), but upon looking through my iPhone photos, I realized my winter was actually kinda ballin.

Here are a few highlights from the past while.

Derek's band played fashion week in Ottawa!
It was super fun to see them do their thing. 
The background made for rad photos! Yea!

Fashion Week: I kind of didn't get it.

What I did get was SUPER excited to jump around
like a lunatic in the parking garage cause... look at 
all that SPACE! 

I love how the smallest, most boring little details are 
made romantic by a fresh covering of snow.

Snowy walks home after friendly get togethers.
They look super badass here for sure.

I drool over museums. At night. So eerie/pretty.

Lion in a hat of snow.

Queen of the blurry pics.

Lights are still up. At least it's pretty at night.

Sculpture made into monster in the evening light.
And then it snowed. A lot. 20 plus centimetres! 
Very pretty but very slow going if you tried to go...

Frosty everything. 
This park is usually teeming with people,
but this day it was cold and lonely.
And pretty! Just for me. :)

Teacher workshop! We were learning about fractions.
I think this picture makes me look very scholarly.
That's because it doesn't show all my cartooning.
Also, it's super fun to play with manipulatives.
I'm totally a grown up.

Also, workshops with free coffee are groovy.
I had a lot of coffee. I also talked a lot. Yea coffee!
AND I got to use the washroom any time I wanted. 
(Teachers appreciate this freedom.)

I call it chat à côté de la fenêtre

Meetups with a lovely pal were great. In the window
of the coffee shop, we spotted Grover. He played
his guitar for us in a fancy outfit. Then he ran away.

I love getting serenaded by my love. 
Look at those beautiful feet!

Can't wait for more lovely adventures as spring encroaches. 
Mmmm spring.
Did I mention I'm on March Break?!

<3 S

ready, break.

Can you hear that? It's the sound of anticipation. Of long awaited solace. Of sleeping in.

March Break!

I remember when I was in elementary school (sometimes way too clearly) and it felt like the break was over two weeks long. When I went back to school afterwards, I always felt like I'd been away for ages. Basically because I'd forgotten everything.

I've been looking forward to this break for a long while now. I'm aware that it's a perk of my job, but what many people fail to recognize is that we work so. hard. This job asks for your soul, for every ounce of energy and passion, and then asks for more.

I'm not complaining. I love my job. I love that I get to see excited little faces every day. I love that I get to hear amazing and hilarious comments on the regular. I love that I get to see those rare "Aha! I get it!" moments.

But you know, when you put so much into work every day you lose the energy for other things. It's been ages since I've painted. I fall asleep on the couch at 8:30 or 9 o'clock (sorry honey). I let my own passions slide.

I think when you're a teacher, you learn early on that life isn't just about you. I hear this a lot from friends with kids. When I comment on the fact that it's insane that someone hasn't slept for more than 2 or 3 hours a night for a week because their kid is sick, the reply is often "You don't really choose. You just do it."

I've always wanted to impart big ideas to my kids. I want them to feel like they can do anything. Sometimes I forget that the best way to do that is to take my own advice.

My March Break buddy. In the bathtub, of course. :)
Here's my super-rad March Break list of awesomeness:
- play the ukulele.
- meet with friends. have wine. in the afternoon.
- paint.
- sleep in!
- drink a full cup of coffee.
- run!
- take a walk to nowhere.
- make a stop motion movie.
- read. books.

This is a short and boring list and it makes me soooo happy.

Yea breaks!

<3 S