Sunday, 29 July 2012


Yesterday we went to a super barbeque put on Derek and his video game pals. It was full of good times spent outside. We stayed outside till the sun sank low and came home tired, full, and happy, our feet dusty and sandal tanned.

This morning I woke up feeling relaxed, my muscles pleasantly tired after yesterday’s activity. So good! Usually Derek and I eat breakfast out on the weekend, either grabbing a bagel from the shop around the corner, or hitting up a close restaurant for standard bacon and egg fare. (Truthfully, we eat most meals out. Sometimes I feel guilty about that, but really, we’re young and this is our one expense. As long as we can still afford to feed Cricket, I think we’re good.) But this morning, I had the itch to cook.

When I get very into cooking, I joke that it’s my Polish roots, but really it’s kind of the truth. When I was a little girl, I’d spend summer days with my grandma M where we’d bake cookies and bread and the whole nine yards. I’m from a big family, and we cook a LOT. During the summers I spent at our cottage, there was always a big Sunday morning breakfast feast. Everyone had their task to complete, and at the end there’d be this great spread. My mom always made toast, my dad was in charge of bacon, and my uncle always ended up cooking up the eggs. Usually I was in charge of setting the table, and I remember really thinking about it, folding the napkins just so and all that jazz. It’s still such a sensory memory inside my brain. I can hear the local radio station playing and the hum of boats off to an early start on the lake, the sounds of birds and bacon sizzling while my family bustled.

When I cooked our food, I felt like it was a summer morning at the cottage. The music was a little (a lot) different, and there was slightly less food (for some reason, when I cook I think that Derek and I eat like truckers), but there was still that feeling of being a part of the day, and sinking into my surroundings.

And the company was pretty good too. :)

Here are some Sunday Morning tunes – literally. I couldn’t choose, so you can choose your vibe. For me, it’s truly a toss-up between lovely Velvet Underground, and Gwen Stefani’s delicious No Doubt ska roots. (Also, new No Doubt album soon? I think so!)

<3 S

Friday, 27 July 2012

winona ryder guilt

Ok. So.

I have watched several Winona Ryder movies as of late. It's not something I am proud of, but hey, I grew up in the 90's and she was kind of everywhere. Little Women? Beetlejuice? I mean come on
This week I’ve watched so many of her movies. It began with one of my favourites - How to Make an American Quilt. (You’re likely all “???” but seriously, watch it. It’s a sweet lady film.)
I realized that she’s in a billion movies from my youth, and that I’ve seen very few of them. This sparked me pursuing links until I fell down a deep, internet k-hole of movies that are both bad and good at the same time.

And then there was the guilt.

I mean, at the mere mention of her name, many people immediately express their dislike. “She’s a bad actress!” “Oh she drives me insane!” But she is totally one of the faces of youth of the late 80’s and early 90’s. Personally I think she’s got this quirky cute thing about her, at least back then. I feel like the 90’s were a mess of big words and apathy, and it’s fun to just embrace the fact that you were one of those poorly dressed kids spouting big words.
On my journeys through the tangled web of Winona Ryder movies, there are two that I watched that are new to me and I found nifty.

Think of it as the first Mean Girls, except the misfit actually knocks off the queen bee. Heathers is beyond anything I’ve ever seen from the late 80’s before. The dialogue is amazing, and the outfits are intense. When I watched it was struck by how cliché everything seemed until I realized that this was the start of all the clichés. So great. And also, so tame in some ways. Very apple pie, which is kind of refreshing. On the other hand, it's crazy how macabre the subject matter is. It's a neat look at a age group and a generation. Oh black humour.

This movie is labelled as a coming of age flick for people in the 90’s. A group of kids graduates university and – oh shock and awe! – they find their dreams dashed in their struggle to live up to the dreams they had for their future. It’s funny to watch something like this during a current economic slump, because it’s reality for all of us trying to start out in life in 2012 (the fuuuutuuurrre). Even though the settings and clothes in the movie are completely dated, the subject matter is so truly relevant. I have been thatlady in pj’s all day sitting on the couch, frustrated with unemployment but not sure what to do.  Although I didn’t call a psychic network (let’s just throw that out there to save face) I did spend ridiculous amounts of time in the bathtub, and watch a lot of t.v. Also, this movie gave me new found appreciation for Steve Zahn and Janeane Garofalo (best. clip. ever.). 
But not Ethan Hawke. No.

Also, gas station dance parties? Heck ya! (this freeze frame is amaaaazing)

Ok. 3 movies to watch. So go do that.

<3 S

friday thoughts

Yesterday I had a rad time hanging out with some lovely ladies.

The day was super: lots of talking, good food and coffee, and plenty of walking around. My faves! When I got home I was blissfully tired. You know that feeling when your brain and body are perfectly balanced? It’s so satisfying.

Derek and I capped off the day by making our favourite – crepes for dinner! Yum!
Today when I woke up I still had that lovely satisfied feeling. It makes me truly enjoy a day when it seems like hours are really hours, and time doesn’t speed by or creep at a snail’s pace. I can enjoy and not feel guilty for watching 3 Winona Ryder movies in a row (seriously, it couldn’t be helped).

Some things I’ve noticed on this deliciously sunny Friday:

1. My cat spends more time in the bathtub than Derek and I do.

2. During the summer i have a minimum of 3 cups of coffee every morning. Mmmmm. 
(And, I love my teeny coffee cup.)

3.I heart my new brass ring :)

4. My rosebush is a)not dead, and b)growing pretty new flowers! Super score.

5.i truly can’t tell whether or not this is a deer or a giraffe.seriously.

Yea weekend!
<3 S

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Last night we were visited by a bat.

Derek and I were just settling in on the couch ready to get cozy, when the cat started frantically meowing and basically trying to climb the window. It was intensely annoying. Derek even lifted him up to see if that's what he wanted, but no dice. Finally I got so frustrated that I stood on a chair and peeked up to the top of the window ledge.

You know when you're fully expecting to see nothing, and then see something? I almost fell backward off the chair! Immediately I got that cold feeling and started rambling, "Ohmygodbabyitsabatoramouseorsomething! Oh my god!"

I am SUPER creeped out by the idea of outside creatures I'm not expecting in my house. I'm even freaked out by moths and ants. You can be sure I was plenty freaked out.

After we both had a moment to freak out (it's a must at times like those), we did what any good 21st century couple would do: we Googled how to get a bat out of your house (it was only later that I realized how adorable and sad the pictures in this Wiki are - amazing).

I made Derek put on leather gloves (the internet was all "rabies!"), and I put on a jacket and hat. Yes, I really did believe it would protect me from the big bad bat. Oh boy.

Trapping a bat is actually really hard. We first tried to trap it with a towel, but this proved terrifying when the bat started circling over our heads and actually started hissing and shrieking when Derek tried to cover it with a cloth. SHUDDER. We abandoned that plan very quickly.

We then had the idea of opening our largest window and taking off the screen so we could force it outside. We thought it would instinctively want to get out, but it took a surprisingly long time for it to get outside, and Derek had to use the screen to help guide it out the window, but it eventually flew out. WHEW.

In retrospect, I feel kind of silly about the way I reacted. Derek totally took charge and he's the reason we are bat free right now - best dude ever! Also, we were both legitimately concerned for the bat's safety. It was visibly trembling and was clearly very afraid. I'll be honest and say that I did talk to the bat before we commenced Operation Get the Bat the Heck Out of Our Apartment... I mean, we had to let him know we wanted to set him free somehow right? ;)

My lovely pal Sarah told me that when a bat gets in her house, they corral the bat in one room, open the door to outside, and turn off all the lights. She said the bat flies outside no problem! We'll have to try it her way if a bat comes inside again (if!!!).

Also, kudos to Cricket who persisted in alerting us to 'danger' even when we name called him (well, when I name called him).

And now, the theme of the eve: 

<3 S

p.s.: top image from tweet heart vinyl wall decals via etsy.

shades of the weekend.

1. thrifted lovliness for our kitchen table (in my favourite shade of awesome).
2. blackberry gelato makes everything better. mmmmm.
3. sewing projects a plenty (thank you mom lending).
4. beautiful view of the inlet.
5. beautiful view of my favourite :).
7. sunshine. couldn't resist.

Simple things that are oh so good.
I am a lucky gal. :)

And this... soundtrack to my brain:

<3 S

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Sometimes I am an indoor girl, and sometimes I am an outdoor girl. 

Today I was the latter.

I spent a large part of today outside, running, going for long walks down the laneways behind our house. It was great to get outside and soak up the green in the middle of the city.

I find it funny that I love the city so much sometimes. I grew up on a rural road just outside of a very small town. When you looked down our driveway, you saw fields on the other side of the road. When you looked out our back door, you saw fields and forest. My dad used to take us fishing in Algonquin Park, and we spent our summers at our family cottage swimming in the lake and waterskiing. We were outside. A lot.

Ottawa is nowhere near as big as Toronto or even Montreal, but it's a city nonetheless. It has big buildings, and lots of people, and oh so many cars. It was a shock to move here after living in such small towns (even through university). I remember feeling like I could never find a quiet space at first, like I was always surrounded by people. At first, it was overwhelming.

But what's great about people is how adaptable we are.

And I did adapt. 

I started to relish the efficiency of a larger place. I started to enjoy the faster pace. I realized that I had a sense of anonymity here that I could never get in a small town, and I started to realize that I could sink into that and find a quiet place there. 

My city beautiful. It's a perfect blend of green space and city. There are pathways for me to run on and and ponds and lakes. The pace is slower than other cities; there's less bustle here. For someone who grew up in kind of a country setting, it's a relief to have those things.

Last weekend Derek and I went away with his family for a get together. We were camping (albeit luxuriously) by a lake, soaking up the sun and the outdoors. It was truly great. Even though I had the best time, when we drove back into the city my body breathed a big sigh of relief. 

It was nice to get home to my city.

<3 S

P.S: my laneway tunes.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

hair love.

Yeah Twiggy! 

Think of short hair and you inevitably think of Twiggy circa 1966. Super cute. This little video is really neat too. It's Barry Lategan talking about the day he took this his first shots of Twiggy.

Ok. So.

I've got pretty short hair. It requires some maintenance, but I've had it long before and it's just wayyyyy easier this way. Right now it's pixie cut short, but I'm due for a cut and I want to grow it a little longer. Here are some of my fave ideas below. 

(Also, isn't Pinterest great? It's just great.)

I love that this is basically a short, sassy bob.

Same long in the front love going on here.
Also, one day I'll be brave enough to go this blonde again.

My hair has a bit of wave in it, but not this much.
Straightening iron magic, mayhaps?

Pretty! You can check out my Pinterest boards for more pics.

Also, this has been on repeat today.

And this too... Warpaint so gooooood.

Now get outside lazies!

<3 S

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

summertime clothes


Isn't this pink house the best thing ever? I think it is. And plants! Ahhhh the cuteness!

Also, summertime clothes. For realzies. Sweet music to amp up your summer crazy. Check out the weird background in the video - pause it and it keeps moving! What will they think of next... ;)

Ok. So. Summertime wishlist! There is a limited budget, but a gal can dream

1. pretty top with shorts or a loooong skirt...
2. this.
3. floral goodness.
4. birks are for all occasions. gizehuntight. see what i did there?
5. swingy coral coloured lovliness.
6. sunglasses. so so good.
7. sunscreen. because yeah.

<3 S

summertime things

Summer is always such a mixed bag of things for me. 

It used to be the busiest. When I was a teen living at home, even on days off from my summer job I'd be working at something. My parents are big believers in a work ethic or something I think  ;). I continued the trend as I took on jobs that kept me busy after university, even working two jobs when I started teaching (as soooo many teachers do). There wasn't the time to sit and just BE.

When I started to rely solely on teaching as my source of income two years ago and let go of my second job, I decided to take the summers off. The plan was to use one month of that time to take a teaching related course, and to use the rest of the time to do 'me' things. You know, make art, drink too much coffee, watch bad television, hang out with friends, recharge and just chill. the. heck. out.

And you know, I do... sort of.

After a year of being on/engaged/thinking-thinking-thinking about 150% of the time, I apparently have a hard time turning off the old teacher brain. It's really hard to be in charge of all the things and then not to have a ton of responsibility all at once. My teacher friends describe it as a kind of "coming down." For awhile, there's this sense of anticipation and anxiety that kind of lingers in the back of your brain. Like when you know you left the door unlocked or the coffee on. Every day it kind of seeps away a bit more.

Now, almost 3 weeks into summer, I'm finally starting to relax. 

The word "relax" is being thrown around loosely here, fyi.

I take my time on my morning run. I notice teeny things: the rosebush that's pushing it's way through the fence near my house, the ducks that are sleeping beside the inlet, the squirrel nest outside our window. I bake bread. I have a second (third... ninth...) cup of coffee. 

Mmmmm. Coffee.

A big part of who I am is being creative and observant of little things people are prone to missing. I find that sometimes the stress of the school year sucks that right out of me. By June the creative part of my brain is a desert. It's always a relief when I feel an art project bubbling inside my brain, sliding across my consciousness mid walk or conversation.

Sometimes I worry that I'll lose that part of me if I delve to deeply into grownup things. That one day I'll wake up and forget how to make things. That my hands will turn black and fall off from lack of use and my eyes won't be able to see colour anymore. Yikes, huh?

Then I realized that it's kind of a choice. You are creative and artistic when you need to do things. When you get that impulse to do, and act on it in some way. 

Lately any art I've made has been kind of blah. I'll see an image in my head and get all excited to actualize it, and it turns out a shade more dull than I'd pictured. It's frustrating. Then my lovely boyfriend sent me this.

Sometimes it takes a little something to tell you it's all good. And I needed that.

Summer is for slowing down a bit, I think. As much as I know, slowing down is one thing I have a hard time with. But I'm working on it. Yep.

And things are good. :)

<3 S

P.S: acoustic listenings here.