Sunday, 29 July 2012


Yesterday we went to a super barbeque put on Derek and his video game pals. It was full of good times spent outside. We stayed outside till the sun sank low and came home tired, full, and happy, our feet dusty and sandal tanned.

This morning I woke up feeling relaxed, my muscles pleasantly tired after yesterday’s activity. So good! Usually Derek and I eat breakfast out on the weekend, either grabbing a bagel from the shop around the corner, or hitting up a close restaurant for standard bacon and egg fare. (Truthfully, we eat most meals out. Sometimes I feel guilty about that, but really, we’re young and this is our one expense. As long as we can still afford to feed Cricket, I think we’re good.) But this morning, I had the itch to cook.

When I get very into cooking, I joke that it’s my Polish roots, but really it’s kind of the truth. When I was a little girl, I’d spend summer days with my grandma M where we’d bake cookies and bread and the whole nine yards. I’m from a big family, and we cook a LOT. During the summers I spent at our cottage, there was always a big Sunday morning breakfast feast. Everyone had their task to complete, and at the end there’d be this great spread. My mom always made toast, my dad was in charge of bacon, and my uncle always ended up cooking up the eggs. Usually I was in charge of setting the table, and I remember really thinking about it, folding the napkins just so and all that jazz. It’s still such a sensory memory inside my brain. I can hear the local radio station playing and the hum of boats off to an early start on the lake, the sounds of birds and bacon sizzling while my family bustled.

When I cooked our food, I felt like it was a summer morning at the cottage. The music was a little (a lot) different, and there was slightly less food (for some reason, when I cook I think that Derek and I eat like truckers), but there was still that feeling of being a part of the day, and sinking into my surroundings.

And the company was pretty good too. :)

Here are some Sunday Morning tunes – literally. I couldn’t choose, so you can choose your vibe. For me, it’s truly a toss-up between lovely Velvet Underground, and Gwen Stefani’s delicious No Doubt ska roots. (Also, new No Doubt album soon? I think so!)

<3 S

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