Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Last night we were visited by a bat.

Derek and I were just settling in on the couch ready to get cozy, when the cat started frantically meowing and basically trying to climb the window. It was intensely annoying. Derek even lifted him up to see if that's what he wanted, but no dice. Finally I got so frustrated that I stood on a chair and peeked up to the top of the window ledge.

You know when you're fully expecting to see nothing, and then see something? I almost fell backward off the chair! Immediately I got that cold feeling and started rambling, "Ohmygodbabyitsabatoramouseorsomething! Oh my god!"

I am SUPER creeped out by the idea of outside creatures I'm not expecting in my house. I'm even freaked out by moths and ants. You can be sure I was plenty freaked out.

After we both had a moment to freak out (it's a must at times like those), we did what any good 21st century couple would do: we Googled how to get a bat out of your house (it was only later that I realized how adorable and sad the pictures in this Wiki are - amazing).

I made Derek put on leather gloves (the internet was all "rabies!"), and I put on a jacket and hat. Yes, I really did believe it would protect me from the big bad bat. Oh boy.

Trapping a bat is actually really hard. We first tried to trap it with a towel, but this proved terrifying when the bat started circling over our heads and actually started hissing and shrieking when Derek tried to cover it with a cloth. SHUDDER. We abandoned that plan very quickly.

We then had the idea of opening our largest window and taking off the screen so we could force it outside. We thought it would instinctively want to get out, but it took a surprisingly long time for it to get outside, and Derek had to use the screen to help guide it out the window, but it eventually flew out. WHEW.

In retrospect, I feel kind of silly about the way I reacted. Derek totally took charge and he's the reason we are bat free right now - best dude ever! Also, we were both legitimately concerned for the bat's safety. It was visibly trembling and was clearly very afraid. I'll be honest and say that I did talk to the bat before we commenced Operation Get the Bat the Heck Out of Our Apartment... I mean, we had to let him know we wanted to set him free somehow right? ;)

My lovely pal Sarah told me that when a bat gets in her house, they corral the bat in one room, open the door to outside, and turn off all the lights. She said the bat flies outside no problem! We'll have to try it her way if a bat comes inside again (if!!!).

Also, kudos to Cricket who persisted in alerting us to 'danger' even when we name called him (well, when I name called him).

And now, the theme of the eve: 

<3 S

p.s.: top image from tweet heart vinyl wall decals via etsy.

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